I enrolled in Computer Science dept. of University of Texas at El Paso in Spring 2009. The transition between undergrad to corporate and corporate to again grad was somewhat troublesome but somehow I survived :) end of the day it is all about survival, right?
My experience in US education system is great for the fact that here they require more involvement in the course than just studying and taking notes. My projects for various courses have been wonderful for me to understand the subject matter in class. The projects not only helps to understand the "what" factor but also clarifies the "why" factor. Meaning the theory makes you remember "what is a fact" while after executing the project you will understand "why is that important/required/happening". I have listed all my projects below with their full source code and documentation.
fatCache: My master's thesis on decentralized fault tolerant distributed caching with memcached.
Brute Force Attack: A program to get the password from hashed/salted-hashed passwords. There is no specific algorithm but just try every possible combination. the passwords were random so dictionary attack was not feasible for these purposes. It was a requirement for Computer Security.
Chinese Wall Model: A program to demonstrate the effectiveness and working principle of Chinese Wall Model. It was also a requirement for Computer Security.
Crypt Comm: A client-server model to demonstrate a simple cryptographic communication protocol between a server accepting file and client uploading file. It also was a requirement for Computer Security.
JaRBAC: An RBAC library written in java to demonstrate the potential of RBAC as access control mechanism. It was my building block for understanding how access control mechanisms work, for my research interest in access control in distributed systems. It was an optional requirement for Logical Foundation.
Prolog Scheduler: A prolog program to generate class schedule based on inputs as free class rooms, free prof. times and courses. It helped to realize the potential of logic programming. It was also a requirement for Logical Foundation class.
Selection Algorithm: As required by Advanced Algorithm course, I implemented and did hands on with timing values for a function designed to find kth sorted value from a input size of n. I did it three ways, by sorting (O(n2)), by a specific selection algorithm (O(lg n)) and an optimized one using both (O(lg n))
Online shopping cart: A shopping cart to browse and buy products from an online store. It was a requirement for Web Based Computing class.
I will keep projects in this list till I graduate. Feel free to email me if you have any question regarding the sources or documentation.